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Veronica Carr

Saturday Stories: Bertha Hazelton Brooks

A recent acquisition

Bertha Estelle Hazelton Brooks (1886-1961)

Class of 1903 of the #ColoredHighSchool, located at #PennsylvaniaAve and #DolphinStreet, #BaltimoreMD

Graduated from the #ColoredTrainingSchool, now known as #CoppinStateUniversity

Teacher at #HenryHighlandGarnetSchool103 in 1914-1915, when future #SupremeCourtJustice #ThurgoodMarshall was a student

Also taught at #School112, formerly known as #RobertBrownElliot and eventually renamed #WilliamMAlexander, from 1921-1922

She was a longtime member of #SharpStreetMemorialUnitedMethodistChurch, having joined as a child under the pastorate of #RevDanielWHayes

Before marriage, she resided at #626WestLanvaleStreet and afterwards at #1419ArgyleAvenue, which allowed her to walk to work and church regularly.

The family is interred in historic #MountAuburnCemetery #BaltimoreMD

H/t to Craig Arthur Flinner

Colorized by #DeOldify

Courtesy of Nanny Jack & Co Archives

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