"May the church say amen!"
#StMarysAMEChurch-September 6, 1914
St. Mary's African Methodist Episcopal Church, established on June 12, 1897, was one of the oldest African American churches in historic Washington Park. The cornerstone was laid in 1899 by #RevRobertLafayetteKing, the church's pastor, and attended by more than 500 Black Masonic members.

The community, named after #PresidentGeorgeWashington, was established in the 1880s by German and Irish railroad workers and meatpackers. A housing boom in the early 1900s led to an influx of African American residents and by the 1920s, the area was predominantly Black.
Other notable structures in the community include the DuSable Museum, which moved there in 1973, and the now demolished Robert Taylor Homes.
Unfortunately, St. Mary's was demolished in 2015.
You already know, we need some knowledge and prayer.
Colorizes by #DeOldify
Courtesy of Nanny Jack & Co Archives